At last, I've got some free time last week to get this project sorted out and up on my blog.
Typopassage Timișoara is a micro museum located in a public space, dedicated to graphic design and the art of shaping letters. It's the first international extension of Typopassage Vienna initiated by the genius Ovidiu Hrin and Bauer Konzept & design.
You can read more interesting things about the invited designers from 2012 edition and see how this mind blowing newspaper was made and it's multiple uses here.
In 2011, TPTM launched the Typ'O'wall - a 28 sq. meters graffiti covering the entire wall of the passage, with concept of the artwork related to typography. Thus, last year's subject "TypeFace", was brought to life thanks to my friend "Jones".
Now, in 2012, I was the lucky one.
Commissioned to rethink and paint the wall by the nature of it's subject, "TypeSpace", I've tried to do my best.
During that month, in may, the weather was shit.
It tooked me almost 5 days to paint this huge and pretentious wall, and all that time it was really cold and ranining.
Hard work. It was all about putting my balls at work.
Design, the list, cutting, repaint the wall, resolve on-the-way problems, cut some more stencils, swollen hands, sleepless, paint the wall, time crunch, drink a fucking beer.
All that time, Carabet Ovidiu was following every move I made, every step I took.
More than 8 hours a day, 5 days in a row, standing there and capturing a few thousand photos so this clip could be made. Great work and a big thanks to him, also.
(Right now I'm developing a new project with his help, that's why I'm on a delay on posting things here.)
The portraits belongs to the fathers of typography, each one having it's own constellation on this space themed wall.
Although without hard and dedicated work, you cannot achieve something good, it was that kind of experience that you'll hope on someday, you will get the change to live it again.
Thanks for all the wise words & this opportunity Ovidiu Hrin and all Synopsis Media staff, Stefan Lucut, Caius Mersa, D'Arc, Ovidiu Carabet, U-Man and all the ones that appreciated my work and didn't tried to destroy it.
The entire panorama should be seen at it's full resolution, by downloading it.
More photos from the event can be seen here.